Yess, at last...!
I can breathe again, my A Levels result is finally out and validated.
I first got the result on the 12th but as it was only "as for now", i dare not actually celebrate it. But today, the piece of paper is in my hand. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah, i got a 15 = 3 full A's.
Although the breakdown of the mark for each unit was slightly lower than what i expected, but i am still grateful. My mum said, "with that lifestyle of urs, this is good already". Ok mum...
We (me, Hui Fong, Ah Q, Siew Huan and August) went to INTEC right after our Medical Museum Session. We reached INTEC before 1pm and managed to have lunch with Mr Allan (wanna read abt him? click here =P) and his wife. Yay! Luckily the Ausmat cafe is open thus we do not have to go far for a lunch.
Before we reached INTEC, we went to search for a special gift for Mr Allan first, which was a pack of nasi lemak! The adventure to search for it was an interesting one as nasi lemak is rarely sold in the afternoon. Malaysians usually take it for breakfast. Luckily we managed to get one seller right before they closed their stall and we bought the last packet.
There were a lot of topics being talked abt during lunch. Some of us talked among ourselves, some of us talk with Mr Allan's wife, and some of us talk with Mr Allan himself. The "some of us" refers to students who stayed back to have lunch together. However, we ("we refers to me, Hui Fong, Q, Huan and August) cant afford to spend much time there as i need to go for a meeting with somebody for the ALMANAC magazine. Hence we left earlier. I felt awfully heavy-hearted to leave the crowd. Hurm...
Lastly, thanks and congratulations to each and every one of us for succesfully graduated from our A Levels with good grades, and good disciplines.
I think the reason we were well disciplined is our exam was really early that the pressure of exam overrides our rebellious-ness (if there is such a word). =)

[above and below] Us in Ausmat Cafe. I was the cameragirl. So i wasnt in the pic.
p/s: That always happen.

[above and below] Nah, this time i wasnt the cameragirl. Eheh...
This 2 pics look very similar but they are different. Care to spot the differences?

Yess, at last...!
I can breathe again, my A Levels result is finally out and validated.
I first got the result on the 12th but as it was only "as for now", i dare not actually celebrate it. But today, the piece of paper is in my hand. Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah, i got a 15 = 3 full A's.
Although the breakdown of the mark for each unit was slightly lower than what i expected, but i am still grateful. My mum said, "with that lifestyle of urs, this is good already". Ok mum...
We (me, Hui Fong, Ah Q, Siew Huan and August) went to INTEC right after our Medical Museum Session. We reached INTEC before 1pm and managed to have lunch with Mr Allan (wanna read abt him? click here =P) and his wife. Yay! Luckily the Ausmat cafe is open thus we do not have to go far for a lunch.
Before we reached INTEC, we went to search for a special gift for Mr Allan first, which was a pack of nasi lemak! The adventure to search for it was an interesting one as nasi lemak is rarely sold in the afternoon. Malaysians usually take it for breakfast. Luckily we managed to get one seller right before they closed their stall and we bought the last packet.
There were a lot of topics being talked abt during lunch. Some of us talked among ourselves, some of us talk with Mr Allan's wife, and some of us talk with Mr Allan himself. The "some of us" refers to students who stayed back to have lunch together. However, we ("we refers to me, Hui Fong, Q, Huan and August) cant afford to spend much time there as i need to go for a meeting with somebody for the ALMANAC magazine. Hence we left earlier. I felt awfully heavy-hearted to leave the crowd. Hurm...
Lastly, thanks and congratulations to each and every one of us for succesfully graduated from our A Levels with good grades, and good disciplines.
I think the reason we were well disciplined is our exam was really early that the pressure of exam overrides our rebellious-ness (if there is such a word). =)
[above and below] Us in Ausmat Cafe. I was the cameragirl. So i wasnt in the pic.
p/s: That always happen.
[above and below] Nah, this time i wasnt the cameragirl. Eheh...
This 2 pics look very similar but they are different. Care to spot the differences?
Sedap ne.! Betul betul betul!
difference??? Shahira is clutching the bottle and d spoon with NL is raised a little higher??
akmar, well done...
congrats for the excellent results
like ur mum said, with ur lifestyle, ur results are good ;)
i cant believe im going to have my a levels in just sum few weeks away
im not even ready yet.
anyhow, trial results are going to be out next week.
bt, i guess the finals is what matters d most rite?
"they'll be ur results for life"
~sounds familiar :)
Diana, thx!
Akhirnya u leave comment in this humble blog of mine..
Jap, u used ur blogger acc to give me comment kn? Means u have ur own blog? how Come i nvr know??!!
Private plk tu!!
I want to read ur blog!!
Pls pls pls...
to intechemistry..
Salam, sir!
U leave a comment in my blog using ur own identity?
Well, yes..
U spot the difference in the 2 pics..
And the other difference will be natasha's facial expression.
and one more, i have juz noticed.
i somehow blend into the table!
u tgh merepek ape ni
i ade gmail acc sbb i hv gtalk sbb ir minx i download gtalk
long distance relationship remember..?? heheh...
no wonder...
cos u'd nvr breathe a word abt ur blog
uhuh.. long distance relationship...
of course i remember that..
congratulation :)
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