I hv been wearing up to 3 layers of clothes to IMU for the past few days.
Why? Because i spend a lot of time in the library and the library is very very cold that even my fingers went cramped.
Even the auditorium is comparable to the famous snow house in Genting Highland.
But i couldn't understand how some of my batchmates can stand being in the auditorium with mini skirts and spaghetti straps.
To say that they have enough cellulites as heat insulator embedded under their cutaneous tissue, is ridiculous. Most of them are slim and skinny.
So how can they?
My mother told me once, women in the west have been fighting for women's right since early nineteenth and twentieth century.
And the rights they have been claiming for includes abortion right, voting right, maternity leave, equal pay, and so on and so forth.
Some of the claims are even ridiculous for me.
Man can lift heavy things, be a hardwork labour, and women can't.
Just accept that fact. Why must women fight for equity? The right to be the same as men? Let men do the hard, though, heavy jobs.
If women want to have the same rights as men have, then no man will be a gentleman. No man will offer to carry a woman's heavy bag, no man will give way to woman in a long queue and no man will pay for a meal because the woman is just as capable as he is!
And there will also be no "Ladies first" in the world.
Although there will still be "First Lady".
She also pointed out that there is one aspect these feminists forgot to fight for.
And that is the right to have proper attire.
The west have made it in such a way that only half naked women are considered women, and the fully covered ladies are freaks.
The world now is having such a view that ladies must show what they've got. The quote "Dare to Bare" is almost everywhere.
In a ball, ladies will be expected to wear a gown, a dress.
And the gown must be bareback, the shoulders should be seen, and a cleavage is a must.
If the skirt is long, some legs are expected.
If it's not long, short skirt will be favoured.
For what?
For display.
To feel nice.
To feel good.
To get attention.
To be like others.
In fact, this is actually a major abuse of women's right.
What do men wear for official ceremonies?
What do men wear when women are exposing half of their bodies?
How does a formal attire for a man look like?
How does it compare with a formal attire for a woman?
A man wears a long shirt, necktie and long pants.
The man must also wear a pair of covered shoes, together with the socks.
Who now, suffers more?
Who now, more susceptible to cold?
Who now, is actually being exploited?
I'm not saying men must also wear barebacks, shorts or singlets to official functions. No!!!
What men wears now is smart and cool enough.
But to girls out there, who like to expose what u have, to feel proud of it, to get attention out of it, just remember, "This is an exploitation of women".
Women are supposed to be respected, not for display.
Attention we get for exposing our "posessions" are cheap attention, temporary ones.
The real attention is who we are (cewah).
So, let's reduce the exposure!
p/s: i bet some readers will say "Ala, Akmar is jealous because she cantdisplay expose anything"....
My reply: Hahahahaha... Say whatever u want, i know what i think and how i feel.
Because life is a test...
I hv been wearing up to 3 layers of clothes to IMU for the past few days.

Why? Because i spend a lot of time in the library and the library is very very cold that even my fingers went cramped.
Even the auditorium is comparable to the famous snow house in Genting Highland.
But i couldn't understand how some of my batchmates can stand being in the auditorium with mini skirts and spaghetti straps.
To say that they have enough cellulites as heat insulator embedded under their cutaneous tissue, is ridiculous. Most of them are slim and skinny.
So how can they?
My mother told me once, women in the west have been fighting for women's right since early nineteenth and twentieth century.
And the rights they have been claiming for includes abortion right, voting right, maternity leave, equal pay, and so on and so forth.
Some of the claims are even ridiculous for me.
Man can lift heavy things, be a hardwork labour, and women can't.
Just accept that fact. Why must women fight for equity? The right to be the same as men? Let men do the hard, though, heavy jobs.
If women want to have the same rights as men have, then no man will be a gentleman. No man will offer to carry a woman's heavy bag, no man will give way to woman in a long queue and no man will pay for a meal because the woman is just as capable as he is!
And there will also be no "Ladies first" in the world.
Although there will still be "First Lady".
She also pointed out that there is one aspect these feminists forgot to fight for.
And that is the right to have proper attire.
The west have made it in such a way that only half naked women are considered women, and the fully covered ladies are freaks.
The world now is having such a view that ladies must show what they've got. The quote "Dare to Bare" is almost everywhere.

And the gown must be bareback, the shoulders should be seen, and a cleavage is a must.
If the skirt is long, some legs are expected.
If it's not long, short skirt will be favoured.
For what?
For display.
To feel nice.
To feel good.

To get attention.
To be like others.
In fact, this is actually a major abuse of women's right.
What do men wear for official ceremonies?
What do men wear when women are exposing half of their bodies?
How does a formal attire for a man look like?
How does it compare with a formal attire for a woman?

The man must also wear a pair of covered shoes, together with the socks.
Who now, suffers more?
Who now, more susceptible to cold?
Who now, is actually being exploited?
I'm not saying men must also wear barebacks, shorts or singlets to official functions. No!!!
What men wears now is smart and cool enough.
But to girls out there, who like to expose what u have, to feel proud of it, to get attention out of it, just remember, "This is an exploitation of women".
Women are supposed to be respected, not for display.
The best jewelry in a jewelry shop is kept in their safebox, with locks and codes.
And those jewelries readily displayed on the shelves are not as valuable.
And those jewelries readily displayed on the shelves are not as valuable.
Attention we get for exposing our "posessions" are cheap attention, temporary ones.
The real attention is who we are (cewah).
So, let's reduce the exposure!
p/s: i bet some readers will say "Ala, Akmar is jealous because she cant
My reply: Hahahahaha... Say whatever u want, i know what i think and how i feel.
Because life is a test...
Here's something I 'formulated' some time ago:
Womens rights: Women have the right to be as bad as men.
Ala, Akmar jeles sebab die tak boleh tunjuk apape.
hahaha, i said it.
itu je satu mende yg mereke tak nak mintak utk disamekan -etika berpakaian. kalo pekerjaan tu, ape yg laki wat, women pon nak wat. men buat ni, die nak tiru, men buat tu, die nak ikot. pendek kate, semue mende nak disamekan. tp dari segi berpakaian tak pulak..
agaknye pengertian seksi itu berbeze di kalangan men and women. kalo women yg separa bugil tu dikatekan seksi, the same thing goes to laki2 yg berpakaian smart. its about perception. kite tak boleh nak ubah persepsi masyarakat ni, dari kecik lagi mereke da terpengaruh dgn care pemikiran sebegini. hanye golongan2 tertentu je yg terselamat kerane still berpegang kuat pade agame. lgpon bkn ke nabi kite sendiri pon pernah kate 'diakhir zaman nanti, ramai di antara umatku yang berpakaian, tetapi bertelanjang'
so..same2 la kite berdoa agar sentiase terpelihare walau di mane kite berade.
hello there,
check out this book, its about feminism and will explain to you why your statement of how women can't do tough labour is wrong.
and you say that
"If women want to have the same rights as men have, then no man will be a gentleman. No man will offer to carry a woman's heavy bag, no man will give way to woman in a long queue and no man will pay for a meal because the woman is just as capable as he is!"
a man does not do those things for his woman because she can't do it herself, he does it to show that he cares about her.
I've believed that some (not all women) have certain level of independence that they need. It's kinda like personal space. Sometimes, it's better for a girl to be independant. Sometimes, it's nice to have the girls to be femanine.
I've always believed that a girl shouldn't be forced (or indirectly forced) to be "dolled" up. I think being casual is just fine.
Like the saying goes, "It's the inner beauty that really counts." Personally, I wouldnt want to go out with a beautiful girl with a disasterous attitude. I rather hang out with any girl with a decent personality.
Maybe this is just me.
An Islamic Response to Feminist Revolution by Sheikh Imran Hosein PT 2
An Islamic Response to Feminist Revolution by Sheikh Imran Hosein PT 1
"Feminism" isn't the same as treating women with decency and respect.
And "Anonymous September 5, 2009 6:07 PM" what about all the other issues AkMaR has raised? Dress code, pressure to reveal ones body, pressure to be an object of desire? Look at TV and magazines these days, the cosmetic cons' make millions or young women v. insecure and unhappy as they are not able to conform to the rather freakish appearance of these TV/movie/magazine 'stars'
It's great to have some discussion here, seems i've just hit a "hot" issue.
*Asip Hussin*
betul betul betul, we hv to take care of our iman so that we wont go astray even when we see someone else do bad, but tempting things.
*Anonymous September 5, 2009 6:07 PM*
I hvnt get any chance to read the book yet but thanks for the link.
U mentioned "a man does not do those things for his woman because she can't do it herself, he does it to show that he cares about her"
And the "those thing" refers to carrying heavy things, give way in a queue or pay for a meal. However, may i ask, when a woman cares for her man, does she do the same to her?
Does a woman offer to carry heavy things, drive him to and fro, trying her best to protect him from physical danger? Why?
What i wanna point out here is woman and man has different capacity, different responsibility and different "build up".
God has made us that way, unique.
*Tay Y Z*
Hey, thanks for dropping by!
"Dolled up", yikes...
I always see those women as plastic. And glad that u'll prefer any girl with decent personality than a beauty with disastrous attitude. I'm pretty sure there a lot more decent men out there who think like u do.
*lwtc 247*
Women used to cover their body up.
Well, at least that's what i know from movies. During the "lord-lady" era in western culture (think the era of Jane Austen) and the ancient chinese kingdoms. I'm not sure abt the fashion during ancient egypt era.
But now the pressure to expose ones body is building up. Sad huh?
There was an Australian Imam who once said something like 'an uncovered woman is like uncovered meat left out.' Damn, I can't remember the exact quote but the hostility he recieved was beyond the pale.
The world marches on all fronts (feminism) included to the last hour.
Prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him) says "A muslim is not a muslim until his heart and tongue are".
You think you are better than those coursemate in IMU that you're trying to condemn and humiliate? And since when the law of aurat is compulsory on non muslim ??! Open up your mind and dun be too typical! Untukmu agamamu dan untukku, agamaku!!
Anonymous September 21, 2009 12:13 AM
I appreciate ur comment.
But i'll need to clarify few things here...
Never did i intended to say i'm better than any of my batchmates. On what ground shd i say that? Bcos i wear extra layers of clothes? do u really think wearing extra layers of cloth make me a better person? i dont think so. So nope, i do not think i'm better than them. i might be warmer than them.
and humiliate and condemns?
i wasnt humiliating them.
i was raising up a fact, a point.
and it wasnt only for my IMU batchmates, it was for the whole population of woman. what do u think of the matter i pointed out? that women are exploited to some extent?
and law of aurat does not apply to non muslims?
how sure are u of that?
i'm not sure of it myself but in the bible itself, woman are ordered to cover their aurat.
1 Corinthians 11:5-6
But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved.
For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered.
I'm not sure abt other religion, sorry abt that.
But even if the law does not apply to them, there is no need for excess exposure, is there?
As you mentioned, "A muslim is not a muslim until his heart and tongue are". If u're a muslim, i advise u to reflect on urself first before slamming me like that. Bukankah bahasa itu melambangkan budaya kita?
If u're not one, i guess it wont harm if u do follow the saying of the beloved Prophet Muhammad...
Kepada tuan rumah, izinkan saya mencelah perbincangan di sini.
To Anonymous. (September 21, 2009 12:13 AM)
(I am assuming you as a muslim-due to your wordings suggesting that u are a muslim and the anonymity status. don't blame me for doing this)
1. I assume that u are trying to say that it's ok - not to fulfill the commandment of Allah (such as cover up aurat), as long as heart and tongue proving u are a muslim.
"A muslim is not a muslim until his heart and tongue are submissive"
Missing one word, u make big mistakes.(Don't just simply translate arabic phrases and sentences without proper knowledge). Once u missed the word submissive (as muslim means a person who is submissive to Allah), then there goes the first and massive err. A muslim is someone who submit herself/himself to Allah. A good muslim is someone who submit wholefully to Allah, fulfilling all commandments, and does not pick and choose only the thing she/he wanted to do. Muslims do have to completely practice Islam, but as human, we do make mistakes and Allah is the most merciful and full of forgiveness to us.
Perhaps u should be informed that the hadith u used to justify your stand is just one of numerous hadith (words) of Muhammad on a muslim's attributes. Combine them. Don't just pick one only.
2. You may also suggest that calling people to the true way of practising Islam (da'wah), means condemning and humiliating others, and maybe proving that someone's better than others.This is another incorrect perception on da'wah in Islam.
Who is better in speech, than one who calls (men) to Allah, work righteousness, and says "I am of those who bow in Islam" (surah Fussilat 41: verse 33)
Very clear there, that a person preaching for righteousness is doing his/her job, not showing off his/her superiority nor humiliating/condemning others.
3. Untukmu agamamu dan untukku, agamaku!!
I assume that u are confusing yourself with this statement. Picking up that from surah al-Kafirun 109: verse 6. Read the whole surah as a whole. Understand it correctly. This surah is actually defining the major difference between a true muslim with the non-believers, and we must have a very strong stand about the belief (of Allah). They (non-believers) do pick whatever suits themselves and practice them, but oppose those uncomfortable to them and leave them out.
And this young lady, namely Akmar is a very open and atypical lady in Malaysia by voicing out her opinion, clearly and sincerely, with stong arguments too.
you are free to comment, and reply to me (email me). Or maybe we can have a nice chit-chat anywhere and clarify the differences. It's more comfortable discussing face-to-face and leads to better understanding.
Oh, senior IMU rupanya...
Ok, boleh je berbincang kt sini, sy pun dpt lebih pengetahuan.
So yes, i think this explanation is a clearer one than mine. The verses and hadiths are given. My explanation was more on logical explanation, without the proof but Mr bigGreD has given the explanation behind it.
I hope this discussion benefits all readers.
And do continue the discussion shd there be any more misunderstandings.
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